The Goji berry (Lycium barbarum) is a fruiting berry and is often known as the wolfberry. This is native to Asia. This is served as a culinary element as well as a component of Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese medicine. Goji berries are widely used as a snack, topping, or component to prepare smoothies. The Goji berry is a popular juice that is claimed to have exceptional nutrients with a wide range of medicinal and health benefits. The nutrition, advantages, and adverse effects of Goji berries are discussed in depth in this article.
What is this plant named as Goji berry?
The Goji berry plant belongs to the nightshade plant family, which also includes tomatoes and peppers. The berries grow on 1 to 1.5 meter-tall bushes with long arching stems. Bright purple funnel-shaped blossoms give rise to these berries. Late in the season, red or orange globular berries appear. These berries are bright orange-red in color and oval. They are dried to a black, shriveled fruit for medicinal uses.
Where do goji berries grow best?
This bush is a native of Asia, although it may also be found in Russia, China, Turkey, and Japan in the wild. Goji berry bushes grow best in USDA hardiness zones of 5–9 soil and require full sun (but they will take partial shade). If you are planting numerous bushes, space them about five feet apart to allow other plants to grow. This offers you more area to maneuver the crop when you harvest them.
When you ask “where do goji berries grow best?”, our answer is simply “plant it and harvest it”. As, Goji berries are drought resistant by nature and demand well draining soil. They grow in temperatures as low as -10 degrees Fahrenheit and will thrive in either the arid west or humid east. You can still cultivate these berries if you live outside of zones 5-9.
What does goji berry taste like?
These berries are not only pretty to look at, but they are also tasty and flavorful. If you are experiencing Goji berries for the first time, you may have a doubt of “what does goji berry taste like?”. The flavor of dried Goji berries is like that of cranberries or sour cherries, as most people use these berries due to their brilliantly red color and sweet, somewhat tangy flavor.
What are the benefits of Goji berries?
Even though fruit is small in size, they are high in antioxidants and have many therapeutic effects. We can easily find the powdered or dried goji berries. They are also found in a variety of supplements and juice mixes. Let us go through with them to have the insights to get the answer to your question on “What are the benefits of Goji berries?”.
Rich in nutrients
These provide a great source of nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. Five tablespoons (28 grams) of dried fruit contains 98 calories, 4 grams of protein, 0.1 gram of fat, 21.6 grams of carbohydrates, 3.6 grams of fiber, and 21.8 grams of sugar. Also, it covers 11% of Iron, 501% OF Vitamin A, and 15% of Vitamin C compared to relevant daily values (DV).
Improve eye health
According to recent studies, Goji berries have proven to improve eye health and save you against illnesses like macular degeneration, which is a degenerative eye disease that can lead to visual loss. Supplementing with Goji berries raised blood antioxidant levels, avoided hypopigmentation of the macula (the center part of the retina), and helped soften fatty protein deposits under the retina. This is proven by scientific research of a 90 day trial of 150 older persons. Similarly, supplementation of this fruit enhanced retinal pigment density, possibly protecting against macular degeneration development. Also, these fruits include antioxidants such as zeaxanthin, which protect your lenses and retinas from damage.

Support immune system
Goji berries have been played a huge role in traditional Chinese Medicine for centuries to prevent disease and infection. It is due to the ability of these berries to boost immunity naturally. According to research done, drinking 120 milliliters (4 ounces) of Goji berry juice each day for 30 days has raised immune cell counts and enhanced general emotions of well-being in 60 older persons. Goji berry supplements has the potential for boosting immune function in response to influenza vaccination in a three-month trial of 150 older people. These immune-health findings are backed up by animal studies also. But additional research is still required to make a solid conclusion.
Why goji berries are bad for you?
Every good thing should be consumed by sitting within its limits, will be my answer, when someone insists on why Goji berries are bad for you. These berries can be consumed in moderation by most healthy individuals as part of their daily balanced diet. But, in rare situations, these berries may cause an allergic reaction too. These may interfere with some medicines, such as diabetic or high blood pressure medications and blood thinners. Furthermore, if you are pregnant, you should avoid them since they contain betaine, which is a chemical that might disrupt embryonic health. So, before adding Goji berries to your diet, speak with your doctor if you are on any drugs or have any underlying health concerns.
Goji berry is usually recognized for its bright color and distinct sour flavor. As they come up in a variety of shapes, they may be used in a variety of recipes in day-to-day diets. These berries may help with immune function and eye health in addition to their vitamin, mineral, and antioxidant content. Before consuming Goji berries, see your doctor if you’re pregnant or taking any drugs in order to avoid some adverse effects.