Are you a plant grower or gardener, or a beginner? Do you like to grow Calathea ornata in your home garden?
Then be with us. We are here to guide you about Calathea ornata.
Read more to find more.
An Overview Of Calathea ornata
What is Calathea ornata?
Calathea ornata is an ornamental plant that belongs to the family Marantaceae. It has glossy, leathery leaves in attractive dark or olive green colors. There you can see patterned feathered or fish-bone designs of distinct white lines with pink overtones, making it a high demand in the foliage industry as a houseplant. The pink colour tends to fade with plant maturity.
Anon, 2003, has found these plants are good indoors as well as outdoors, especially on porches and patios. Propagation is done by rhizomes.
These foliage plants are used for interior decoration or interior scaping (Chen et al., 2002). Higher usage of foliage plants in hotels, and restaurants and the influx of tourists create more marketing opportunities and higher profits (Yang et al., 1998).
Calathea Ornata Leaves Curling – Reasons & Solution For Calathea Ornata Leaves Curling
Let us see, what can cause Calathea ornata leaves to curl?
How can we solve them?
Thirst, cold and overwatering result in leaves curling. When the humidity is low, leaves may curl up and edges tend to brown in color. So what you can do is increase the humidity around the plants. For that, you can spray or mist the water, and place it in a humidity tray to make sure the bottom of the pot does not touch it. Also, you can try a humidifier to provide sufficient humidity, particularly in winter.
Clean or cut off affected leaves. And some field experts recommended removing dust and debris resulting in healthy plants. As you know these are tropical plants which mean they like high moisture and humidity. So if you are capable enough to provide plant requirements at the proper time, you can mitigate these leaves’ curling.
Calathea ornata Pinstripe – Here Are The Easiest Tips To Care For Calathea Ornata Pinstripe.
Calathea pinstripe has dark green color leaves, there you can see pink strips. This is the special feature of these plants. These plant leaves have the ability to close up at night and open with the sun rising. They can grow well in medium to low temperatures. Place the pots near the windows where the light penetrates well. If the light is strong then pink bleach and turns whitish. You can place your plot under the canopy of large plants. If you observe leaf curl disease, it is a sign of a lack of water or low humidity. Water at the proper time interval or place near the humidifier.
This plant needs quality water, if you are using tap water it should be filtered, do not use fluoridated water.
If you see new plant shoots in the pots, then add fertilizer. If there are a lot of new plants in one pot, then remove those without damage to the root system and report.
Other management practices are similar to Calathea ornata as we described above.
Calathea ornata Beauty Star – What Is Calathea ornata Beauty Star? How To Care About It?
Calathea ornata beauty star also belongs to the family Marantaceae. This is the most popular species of Calathea sp. These grow up to one to two feet. These plants can tolerate highly humid and warm temperatures at 65-80oF. Therefore these plants should keep where the temperature is in that range, particularly, in north-facing windows. Sometimes you might face little difficulties in finding a suitable space to find proper light in your home. You can keep the pot in a different location and choose a better place. They prefer bright but indirect light. You can use fluorescent light in winter.
You can feed them in spring and summer. Need well-drained soil to prevent root rot. They need more moist soil than other Calathea species. Water until it becomes moist and soggy. When surface soil gets dry, that indicates time to water. If the potting mixture is too wet, wait a few days until it becomes dry. Also, make sure the pot has large draining holes. Use a good potting mixture, including compost, because it provides nutrients. You should not feed them in winter, remind them before feeding them should water to prevent root burning. Prune Calathea ornata beauty star to remove rotten roots and old leaves.
Calathea ornata beauty stars are not toxic to pests or humans like other Calathea species.
Although the maintenance of Calathea ornata beauty stars differs little from other Calathea species, if you care well, Calathea ornata beauty stars grow well. But this is not suited for beginners.
Calathea ornata is an ornamental plant that grows in houses. These need little time and consideration and suit all types of growers. Follow the tips discuss in this article and grow your Calathea ornata. Growing plants are giving good relaxation for our mind as well as good for our health and helps to protect our green umbrella.