knockout roses

Knockout roses -Easily grown everyday roses for your garden!

Roses symbolize love, romance, innocence, purity, honour, reverence, and war. Pretty much everything! They have been on the earth for about 35 million years and are a part of massive cultural importance. There are about 150 species of roses in the world. But the “knockout roses” are something else. When the rose breeder Will Radler created them very first, it was a huge hit. Knockout roses swap awards at 2,000 AARS and had record-breaking sales. 

Knockout rose plant

Botanical Name: Rosa Radrazz

Common Name: Knock Out Rose

Knockout rose plants are well known for their easy care and extended blooming season. They show higher disease resistance than other varieties. You can often find them in borders, cottage gardens, or in mass plantings as ground cover. The bush grows up to a height of 3 to 4 feet and spreads wide. The plant prefers high sun exposure and blooms through spring to fall.

knockout roses

Let Us Find Out More about the Knockout roses! -Here is the Knockout Rose Family!


The glamorous cherry-red to hot pink colour blooming Radrazz is the original member of the knockout family. The flowering cycle continues from the spring to the first hard frost. The plant is bushy and shows continuous flowering. A mature bush is about 3-4 feet tall and 3 -4 feet wide and has purplish-green leaves. Radrazz is the result of famous breeder Will Radler and is popular for its subtle sweet scent.

The speciality of knockout rose is the Blackspot resistant, drought-tolerant and self-cleaning.

Double knockout roses

Double knockout also comes from the same cross that produces the original knockout flowers. It is also the next generation in the Knockout rose family. 

Double knockout is the ultimate classic rose. The elegant cherry red colour brings forth the unique charm of the double flower. While with original standards, it is slightly more winter hardy. The plant shows abundant and continuous flowering with a bushy habit. The mature plant grows up to 3-4 feet in height and 3–4 feet wide. The leaves are of deep purplish colour. 

knockout roses

The Pink knockouts

The plant produces single petal and bright pink colour flowers with deep mossy green leaves.

Pink double knockout

The flower is the bright, bubble gum pink version of Double Knock Out. The plant is undaunted by the heat. knockout roses

Blushing knockouts

The plant bears light pink blooms. With age, the colour fades into a subtle pink colour. Foliage is a mossy green with blue hues.

Rainbow knockouts

The eccentric, coral-pink colour petals have yellow colour centres.  The flower is more compact than the other family members. The freshly appearing foliage is a deep burgundy colour and turns dark green as time goes.

The sunny knockouts

The flowers are a bright red colour when they bloom. Still, fade quickly to a pastel cream colour. Dark green, semi-glossy foliage intensifies the bright yellow colour. The unique citrus scent is the speciality of the variety and most fragrant.

Coral knockouts

The coral colour of the roses persisted even during hot and humid climates. The upright and rounded blooms continue from spring to fall. The novel and young foliage are bronze-red. The flowers are of a slight and clean scent.

Peachy knockouts

The peach colour petals are yellowish in the Centre. The intense colour development favours the cooler temperatures. Blooms from spring through fall, with attractive pink flowers. The plant shows a mounding habit.

White knockouts

The pure white flowers and the dark green foliage produce a contrasting effect. Sometimes, the leaves appear almost black. The compact habitat bush gives flowers from spring through the fall. Flowers contain a light floral scent.

knockout roses

Petite Knockouts

Petites are the very first miniature variety of the Knockout family. Both plants and the flowers are adorably cute. Flower colours range from Fire engine to non-fading red. The fully bloomed flower is about 1 ½ inches in diameter. The mature plant is not more than 18 inches tall. The foliage is dark green and glossy. 

Knockout roses colours

Roses are well known for their range of beautiful to the lethally glamorous colour range. The white, peach, yellow and soft pink colours bring out the tranquil charm. Hot pink, cherry red, fire engine red represent the glamorous and elegant end of the range.

Being Knockout rose care is pretty much a minimum is one of the main advantages of the family.


Early spring is the best time to plant either in a container or as bare roots. All you need is a sunny planting space. These roses prefer at least 6-8 hours of sun each day.

Planting requires a hole of about the same as the root ball. The width should be twice. After removing and loosening the root, you can place the plant in the ground and backfill. Water the plant and add some mulch to retain moisture. The slightly acidic and well-drained soil is the best.

What is the best fertilizer for Knockout roses?

This family has specially developed to perform even without the application of fertilizers. If you select to apply fertilizer, it is better not to fertilize until after the establishment of roses. General-purpose or rose fertilizer can be used.

Follow the specified rates and method of application based on the recommendations. Confirm the suitable moisture before fertilizer application. It will help to prevent root burning. 

Avoid applying fertilizer late in the summer that troubles the dormancy cycle.


Regular watering during the first growing season is essential for root development. After that, water when the top 2-3 inches of soil is dry.


Knockout roses show a higher tolerance and resilience to climatic changes than other roses. So, a few inches of mulch will do the work. But if the temperature drops below freezing, you should take additional care. You can cover your roses with a frost blanket or wrap them in a burlap.


Pruning improves the continuous flowering and facilitates care.

Knock out rose pruning

It is best to maintain the size 3–4feet wide and 3–4’ tall bushes.

Cut back once a year to 12 inches in height.

Late winter or early spring is suitable to prune newly grown shoots of canes.

Petite Knockout pruning

Petite Knockout should maintain its height of about 18 inches.

Cut back once a year to 4-6 inches height in late winter and early spring.

Knockout roses diseases

Knockout roses are the improved varieties for disease resistance. They often require no fungicide treatments. But there are a few, which you need to alert.

  • The rose rosette is a viral infection spread by the eriophyid mites through the wind. The tiny mites also eat the rose. The infected plants produce bright red new shoots, but the flowering will reduce. First, the pruning of infected plants will help. But in worst-case scenarios, pull the plant from the ground and remove it carefully. It will prevent your garden from further infections.
  • Knock-outs can also catch some Japanese beetles and rose slugs.

Where to find a place that has knockout roses for sale?

You can always find your happy Knockouts either from a licensed grower, independent garden centres. All you have to do is do a little bit of research.

Roses, as symbolic and cultural importance, it is a true feast to the eyes. They are the real queens of the flowering world, requiring the utmost care. But, Knockout roses give you a way out and more possibilities. They are easy to grow and care for and disease resistant. Knockout roses give you continuous and abundant blooms throughout the year. What else you can ask for from the roses.

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