Dragon's breath plant

Dragon’s Breath Plant Care Guide Easily

Dragon’s Breath Plant Care Guide

The name “Dragon’s Breath Celosia” comes from the flower’s surprisingly red and orange inflorescences, which perfectly match a dragon’s Breath. It is native to both
Africa and Asia. Dragon’s Breath plant is a fascinating flower that has become more popular in the floral industry in the past few years.

It is a beautiful addition to any garden with its distinctive, intricate, and eye-catching petals. However, do you have a clear idea about growing Dragon’s Breath in your garden? Stay with this article to learn about Dragon’s Breath’s growing conditions and more.

An introduction to Dragon’s Breath plant

This plant’s scientific name is Celosia Argentea Plumosa. Cockscomb is another name for this plant. It is indigenous to tropical regions of Africa, and Asia, as well as
America. For beginner gardeners, Dragon’s Breath plant is a delightful selection. It is simple to grow and can significantly spruce up your garden with its iridescent maroon leaves and red scarlet-maroon flowers.

It thrives and has a lovely appearance in both conditions, whether you grow it in the ground or any pot hanging around your home. This plant’s intriguing cut flower
Blends beautifully with marigolds, ornamental grasses, and other plants to create the ideal fall arrangement.Dragon's breath plant Celosia Dragon’s Breath is an annual flowering plant, which means it doesn’t stay alive from year to year.

To keep them alive for a prolonged duration, you must either Protect them from freezing temperatures or grow new Dragon’s Breath plants from stems or seeds. So, let’s explore a complete guide about taking care of the Dragon’s Breath and its propagation.

Dragon’s breath growing conditions

Although dragon’s breath Celosia has slightly different maintenance needs than other plants, it can add a colour splash to your house or garden. Remember to follow these guidelines to give your dragon’s breath Celosia the best possible care:

Dragon’s breath celosia plants can withstand drought conditions and don’t need much water. You should only water them if the topsoil is dry.
Avoid watering them while their soil remains wet on top because you want the soil to remain moist, not wet. The roots may rot if the soil is overwatered to the saturation point.

Dragon’s breath needs rich soil with great drainage. If your soil is deficient in fertility, improve it by adding aged manure, peat moss, and compost.
Inspect your soil to ensure it is soft, airy, and well-drained. The pH of the soil should be slightly acidic, ideally between 6.0 and 6.5. The topsoil may have a more alkaline pH if you reside in a dry climate.

Make sure to place your dragon’s breath plants where they will receive at least seven hours of direct sunlight each day because they blossom best in full sunlight. These
plants do poorly in the shade and will wilt and eventually die. If your yard needs more light in your garden, you can create a little sun trap by putting flower beds facing
south or a large row of decorative rocks in the back.

The ideal temperature range for dragon’s breath celosia is between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Warm temperatures and at least 6.5 to 7 hours of sunlight each
day are necessary for the growth of Dragon’s Breath Celosia. The plant must be kept indoors during the winter because it is very sensitive to low temperatures.

Apply a slow-release fertilizer to your dragon’s breath celosia once a month during the growing season. As a relatively low-maintenance plant, dragon’s breath celosia
only requires fertilization about once in two to three weeks.

If you use a liquid fertilizer, apply it early in the day. Make sure not to over-fertilize, as this can result in burn damage. Use a fertilizer with a higher nitrogen amount to phosphorus ratio in the spring and a higher phosphorus amount to nitrogen ratio in the fall.

How to propagate Dragon’s Breath plant

Dragan's breath plant

You can either use a piece of plant or seeds to propagate. Propagating method of Dragon’s Breath is not hard to master. You also can propagate Dragon’s Breath by
following these simple steps.

● Cut off a piece of your Dragon’s Breath plant and keep it in a warm place to start the propagation process of the Dragon’s Breath celosia.
● The plant should start to grow roots in a few days. When it does, move it to a planting pot or hanger filled with potting mix.
● If you keep the plant warm, the new leaves will start to grow in a few days.

● You can also grow dragon’s breath celosia from seed. You should bury the seeds half an inch deep in the soil. Avoid putting the seeds too deeply to avoid the possibility of the seed rotting.
● After the seeds of Dragon’s Breath are planted, cover those seeds with a thin soil layer and water them.
Pests and diseases affect Dragon’s Breath Some common pests and other diseases that affect the growth of Dragon’s Breath

● Mealybugs
● Spider mites
● Slugs
● Thrips
● Aphids
Using plants that are these bugs’ natural enemies will help you control these pests in your garden. These include herbs that should be planted close by to safeguard your plants, such as oregano, chives, and parsley. Spider mites, the most prevalent in this plant, cause the leaves to develop small white spots all over them.

These little dots are spider mite eggs. Spray the tree with pesticide soap after thoroughly misting the leaves with water to cure spider mites and prevent the infection from spreading. If you are wondering why is my dragon’s Breath plant dying, the above pests and diseases may be the best possible reasons. And you should also care about the amount of water, sunlight, and soil quality too.

dragon's breath plant

Dragon’s Breath plant winter care

Dragon’s breath should consistently be grown indoors during the winter. You should keep your Dragon’s Breath plant indoors by a light window or door where it can receive
considerable sunlight (minimum of seven hours) each day. To help your plant retain its moisture, a humidifier can be put close by, and you should keep the soil just
slightly moist.


Dragon’s Breath plant is a clever choice to add colour to your home garden and indoor spaces. With the required amount of water, sunlight, temperature, and soil conditions, you can grow Dragon’s Breath as an attractive plant. Propagating of Dragon’s Breath is also very simple with its plant piece or seeds


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